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Kennebunk Little League

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What division should my child play?

Kennebunk-Kennebunkport Little League (KKLL) offers programs ranging from Tee Ball (4-6) all the way to our Majors Division (10-12). Reference Divisions & Programs for more specific details.

Little League utilizes a Baseball Age Chart and Softball Age Chart to determine their League Age. This will indicate which programs are appropriate for your child.

It’s also important to consider a child’s experience and skill level. Parents and Guardians should consider registering at a lower level where the competition and coaching might better suit a less experienced player.

The League reserves the right to place players is a less competative division if there is a safety concern.


Q: When can I Register for the upcoming season?

Registration begins on February 1st and runs through April 1st. The deadline for Majors and Minors Divisions will be in mid-March each year to accommodate evaluations and the development of the schedule. After April 1st Tee Ball and Coach Pitch division registration will be based on availability of openings within the programs.  

Q: What are the Registration Fees?

Register early and save with Early Bird pricing!

Coach Pitch (6-8), Minors (9-10), Majors (10-12): note that Minors & Majors registration closes mid-March.

 - February 1st – February 28th
$80.00 / $75.00 for each additional player

 - March 1st – April 1st
$95.00 / $90.00 for each additional player

Tee Ball: 

 - February 1st – February 28th
$55.00 / $50.00 for each additional player

 - March 1st – April 1st
$65.00 / $60.00 for each additional player

Q: What if I am unable to pay the Registration fees?

If you or anyone you know cannot afford registration fees please email the league. Everyone who wants to play should be able to play.

Q: Can I request that my child play with one of their friends for ride sharing? 

For T-Ball and Coach Pitch requests can be made for extenuating circumstances. If possible we will try to accommodate but cannot guarantee team placement.

The Minors and Majors Teams are selected by draft to ensure the teams are evenly balanced. Your Player may or may not play with their friends but in no time at all they will make many new friends. It one of the best parts of Little League!

Siblings playing in the same division will be placed on the same team.

Q: What equipment will my child need?

All players will receive a team hat and jersey. Players in all divisions will need to purchase their own baseball/softball glove. It is recommended they have their own helmet and cleats (rubber). The league will supply helmets and bats that will be shared by the team.

For players in the Minors/Majors divisions it is recommended Players have an athletic supporter (including cup for boys). A cup is required for anyone playing Catcher. It’s also recommended that you purchase baseball pants. Check with your Coach for a preferred color. The team uniforms never look better than when they look…uniform.


Q: What are Evaluations and does my child need to attend?

Evaluations are required for the Minors and Majors Divisions. They are not a tryout and every player who registers will be placed on a team. At evaluations Players will participate in basic throwing, catching, and hitting activities. This allows Coaches to evaluate the skills of individual players and to ensure balanced teams. It is also a chance to ensure players are placed in appropriate divisions.

Q: My child is a returning player. Do they need to participate in evaluations?

Returning players who are participating in the same division as the prior year do not need to participate in evaluations. They will be placed with the same team as the year prior. 

Q: When will Evaluations be and where will they be?

The League will send out a update via email and Facebook announcing the date and location of evaluations. They are typically held in early-mid April. The location will be weather dependent.

Q: What Should my child bring to Evaluations?

Players will need to bring a Baseball/Softball glove and can bring any of their own gear (helmets, bats, etc.) The league will provide bats and helmets for anyone who may need them.


Q: My child is a returning player. Can I request that child be placed on a different team than the year prior?

Yes, you can request for your player to be assigned to a new team however they will have to participate in evaluations for the Coaches to view their skill level.

Q: After Evaluations, when will the draft be? What is the draft?

The draft typically takes place the week after evaluations and Coaches will reach out to you shortly after. Coaches for the Minors and Majors Divisions will participate in a draft selection process to select their teams.

Practices & Games

Q: When do practices start? When do games begin?

Team practices will begin in April for all Divisions and will run through the entire season.

Games for all divisions begin on Opening Day which is scheduled for the first Saturday of May (weather dependent).

Q:  Where are practices and games?  

KKLL utilizes a number of different fields located in our community. The day, time, and location of your team’s practices and games will be shared with you by your players Coach.


Q: How can I volunteer to be a Coach or Assistant Coach?  

You can volunteer by completing the Volunteer Application and emailing it back to [email protected]. All Volunteers are subject to a personal background check which is required by KKLL and Little League International. Background Checks are required every year and Volunteers will be required to submit Social Security and Driver License numbers.

Q: How are Managers/Coaches selected?

Approval is subject to approval by the Board of Directors and team availability. Once Managers have been selected they are allowed to name up to two Assistant Coaches before or after the team is selected. All Managers and Coaches must pass the mandatory background check. 

Q: Are Parents/Guardians required to volunteer?  

KKLL is a volunteer organization and all families are urged to volunteer in some way. Something as simple as helping in our Snack Shack is a huge help to the League’s fundraising.

Social Media

Q: Does KKLL utilize social media?

Facebook is our friend! We use the KKLL Facebook page to post important updates. Help us grow by liking and following our page, sharing posts, and tagging us in your photos. 
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